Monday, January 11, 2010

Life Goes on.....

So sorry for the extended silence. I returned to work a few weeks ago and life has been pretty hectic.

I did have a follow up PET scan last week. This is the test I have been waiting for as it would truly indicate if the treatment was successful and my only focus would be on recovery. The results weren't as good as I would have hoped, but they still weren't bad. Could have been a lot worse actually. Basically, there are indications that something is still going on. It might just be residual inflammation from the treatment. It might be a few other things besides cancer. But it also could still be cancer. I have another PET scan in 2 months. If the "noise" they see is due to one of the various non-cancer causes, that next scan should be clear. My radiation Doc is very optimistic. My chemo doc is more cautious. I'm going with the radiation doc.

Its been great being back at work. I really enjoy what I do anyway, and just being in a normal environment is a constant reminder that things are getting better. So normal in fact that I am leaving on a business trip to Taiwan next week. Amazing how not all that long ago my goal was simply to try not to vomit.....or move if I didn't have to..... so blessed.

Looking back over the second half of 2009, and my treatment experience, which I do from time to time, I can't help but just feel so darn lucky with how it played out. I go back every month for a check up, something I will do for at least the next year and maybe two, and when I am there I am surrounded by folks at various points of their treatment journey. So many of them have been at it for several months and their light remains at the end of a very distant tunnel. Heck, my treatment and time spent away from work was only three and a half months in total! Yes, there were some very dark days during those months, but it was so short compared to so many others' experiences. And other than very limited saliva production which makes eating a bit more of a chore than I would prefer, I am relatively back to normal. Much lighter than before, but that isn't a bad thing. :) I'm in the gym and riding my bike and on my way to regain my beach body.... ok, that's a joke..... but I am getting there!!

You know, as simple as it sounds, I really believe we can always find a silver lining someplace. Nothing is ever as bad as we might think it is. And there is always a lesson to be learned, even if we have to look a while to find it. Happy or sad, optimistic or pessimistic, stressed or really all is simply a state of mind. And the state of mind we choose really is a personal choice. I think I chose happy, optimistic and relaxed..... at least until my next PET scan. Kidding, I have no fear.

Hope the start of your 2010 is going very well. This is going to be a great year. Its all in how you choose to think about it. :)

Talk soon.....


  1. Praise God!! Thank you for the update, Kevin! I was also getting a bit worried about the lapse in posting...hoping that it was just what it was-a busy life! Yeah! I also am going with the radiation Doc and GOD! Prayers continue...
    Debbie R.

  2. Hi Kev.....

    Always in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. glad you posted again, finally. Hope you post while in Taiwan, too. Pics would be great.
    Keep focused. God's in everything you encounter! Praying for your sucessful and safe journey.
    Sista Liz

  4. Kevin,

    You are awesome! You remain an inspiration for all of us. I am going to read your latest entry to my kids (8 and 10) tonight. I talk to them (trying not to lecture!) on a regular basis about the fact that our attitude is a choice that we make, and that we are in control of our attitudes but not always the things that happen to and around us. I think your words will resonate even more clearly with them considering the fact that you truly do have an excuse to feel sorry for yourself and/or complain about the treatments you've had to endure. But instead, you have embraced a positive attitude and are finding something good in everything you're experiencing. Know that your attitude is having a lasting impact on more people than you will ever know.

    Keep fighting the battle....and know that you are fueled by the energy and prayer of so many loving supporters.

    Cheers to you!

    Dave Toomey
