Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Miles and Miles of Milestones.......

Encouraging day today.

Met with my Doc for a check up and one of my least favorite exams, the throat scope. It does allow him to see down my throat and the back of the tongue, which I learned today will occur every month for the next year, so it is helpful to monitor the progress and continued recovery. But picture a fiber optic tube, sized bigger than a juice box straw and slightly smaller than a pencil...and having it inserted up through the nose and run all the way down the throat. Lovely.

Anyway, the outcome was very positive. Hit one milestone today, and a few others are coming shortly. Today the Doc determined that the throat looked clean and there was no longer any visible sign of the tumor. He palpated my neck and said he no longer could feel any sign of the cancerous lymph nodes. Awesome news. Sure, the scan will tell the real story, but this was a great start.

The next milestone will be tomorrow when I get the feeding tube out! I was expecting more resistance from the Doc when I said I didn't need it anymore (I don't, haven't used it in a week.), but he said fine, schedule the appointment. Hope I didn't bump him too hard as I raced past him to the scheduling desk. Heck, who am I fooling....this wimpy 177 pound frame would lose a tug-o-war with a soft breeze.

In about 2 weeks, November 24th, I will have an MRI scan. I am hopeful this will also be a milestone and that the results will be as positive as today's. Power of prayer and positive thinking.......and any help greatly appreciated. :)

So, today is a day to say Thank God. I mean that literally....thank you God. Blessings by the mile.


  1. Great news Kevin! we all keep you in our prayers and today in our thanks to God.

  2. I know you will be fine...... always did! But what I am really excited for is the new and improved you (One can never be the same after fighting and surviving cancer).

    I just know that something really big is ahead or you, not worldly big, but huge in God's eyes!

    Can't wait to see it happen!

  3. Sarah and Terry say:

    yeah Kevin!!!!!! we are sooooo happy to hear the news. That is wonderful and I'm sure you are going to continue to get good results. You are now the true ironman of the family and cannot be stopped. Hope to see you soon in person. Love You

  4. Great news Kevin !!! so pleased to hear this
    david darrough

  5. I don't know if I will see you on Thanksgiving Day. However, know that I'll be thinking of you... and saying, "Thank you God for my friend Kevin."

  6. Kevin,
    Just logged on to see that you only managed a half pint of change there then,still a cissie!!Try it with Blackcurrant the way all the girls do,you'll enjoy it!
    When you get over here I'll teach you how to drink like one of the lads again!
    Stay strong and keep the sunny side out.

  7. Good news indeed, my friend. I think you look pretty damn good in that picture, regardless of what you have been through. Lovin' the green bracelet. Reminds me throughout my day to take a breath and appreciate things. I heard a guy on the radio today talking about proving that hope works. Kind of went: no matter where you are now, if you are alive that means you are still here. If you are still here, it's because you haven't finished doing what you were put here for. If you haven't finished what you were put here for, it's because you still have work to do. If you still have work to do, then you still have a purpose to your life. No matter how sick you may be, or how depressed, or how financially strapped, or how lonely, if you are still here you still have a purpose to your life. That's what gives us all hope. I thought of you when I heard this guy. Especially when he ended by saying how important laughter is to us. Without laughter, life is just too boring, he said. Indeed. May you find much to laugh about, my friend. I recall laughter always coming pretty easily from you. Get well, get strong, get on with the work you still have to do.

  8. Hey Kevin,
    So great to hear of your continued progress.
    You are looking stronger for sure. Especially after that Guinness!! I love it!
    Thank you Jesus for Kevin's healing and for your comforting hand in his life.
    Hope to see you real soon Kev!
    Kim Fishel

  9. I'm so happy to hear of your progress Kevin. Everyday, every breath is a gift. We must celebrate it.

    Peace and Blessings,
