Tuesday, November 3, 2009

at any speed...its still progress...positively

Still moving in the right direction. Not as fast as I would like, but I think that is more about me just being tired with this whole ordeal and not that I'm behind the schedule envisioned by my doctors. I have been able to maintain at least one ensure a day by mouth, and yesterday, even had an entire can of soup orally. Today two ensures plus all my meds by mouth. Getting there.....

I realized earlier today just how much a positive attitude can influence my actual health. Early on, when this battle first ensued, I was very positive. I thought I maintained that positive attitude throughout but came to realize that I might have fallen a little short of that goal. Its been quite the experience so its understandable why that might happen, and the pain and struggle were all very real....but I came to realize today that some of it might just be in my head now.

So, I decided to take the positive attitude back and make it part of my game plan. Rather than walk a bit bent over with my head tilted down because that had been the posture of choice to deal with the throat pain, I decided to stand tall, walk with a purpose, and actually tell myself that I was feeling good. Guess what.....I felt better. Rather than sit still and be in touch with every feeling, good or bad, in my being, I decided to get up and move and just assume I would feel good. Guess what...I felt better. And even though its not pain free yet, I decided that I really needed to try and consume more orally and use my tube less. So today, not only two ensures by mouth so far, but also all my meds and I'm getting ready to try soup #2. It will be fine because I think it will be fine.

We all hear about the power of positive thinking. And it sounds good. But making the decision to actually put it in practice, might seem easier said than done. But its not, you just have to will it to occur. How often do we tell ourselves we feel tired? Or we don't feel very well? Or we really don't want to go to school or work today? Or we really would rather not help that person or go to that event......there are so many times when we create a negative aura simply because we think that way. I know I was, and you might be too, very surprised at just how much positive impact a positive attitude can have on almost any situation.

Anyway, I already feel further along on my recovery pace simply because I think I am. Maybe there is something that is weighing you down a bit that could be lightened simply by telling yourself its not so heavy. Worth a try possibly?

OK, time for soup. And maybe a turkey leg......ok, maybe a bit too positive too soon. :)

Have a great, positive week.


  1. Ah, my friend, you are on to something. I just added a comment to your last post and then this one turned up. I wake up every morning feeling stiffness in my back and arthritis in my hands and an ache in my shoulders. You know what I do for a living. After an hour of tossing boxes around all my pains seem to disappear until the next morning. Just get out and do it and move. You're kicking some serious *** here.

  2. Healthy is as healthy does. So simple, yet so true.

    Once again you are fulfilling your other role, not as patient but as teacher and master reminderer.

    Thanks for your continuing insights, Kev.


  3. Thanks bro, I needed that lesson again. I always believed it but you do have to steer yourself in that direction to make it happen. Congrats on the success in finally being able to eat again. You are doing a terrific job at working your way back to good health. Hope to see you soon. Have a wonderful day.

  4. Nehemiah 8:10
    Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."

    Nehemiah had a huge task to rebuild the wall to protect the people from invasion. You, dear brother, had (have) the huge task to re-build your health and fight off this cancer invasion. Both overcoming huge obstacles.

    Catherine and I have been exploring and trying to implement this principal of claiming the "Joy of the Lord" in our life. It brings strength...emotional AND physical. Powerful weapons against the discouragement of our enemy adn life's arrows. Thank you for the reminder and encouragment to live our lives with this "attitude adjustment". God moves in us and through us when we have our head and sight looking up and out to the horizon, not looking down or behind us. Looking forward to visiting you in a few weeks. Let's sharpen our vision and rejoice in that horizon!
    Your bro,

  5. Hey Kevin,
    Not sure if you remember that restaurant we visited a few times,"Elephant and Castle" in Temple Bar.Best chicken wings and burgers in Ireland.Quick run across the road to Oliver StJohn Gogartys for a few cold pints,listen to some trad music and have a few laughs.
    Looking forward to a few more of those nights so keep going with the soup and the fantastic attitude and we'll see you soon.

  6. Hi Kevin, I've been following your blog since Katey forwarded on the news in early Sept. I have silently wept a few tears for you not out of sadness but because Im moved by your strength. Your the ultimate "coach" even when times are most tough.
    I just gave birth to my son Cohen Ash Earhart about 1 month ago and hu-ra you nailed it with this post. The delivery was a c-section since he was breech and the recovery is intense, but I try to ignore the pain and get up everyday and do the things I would normally do, just a bit slower. Those things alone make me feel normal and healthy and strong. So the next day I can do a bit more. I think you are making amazing progress and hope you get around to that juicy turkey leg soon. BTW..turn off the boob tube, its not motivational to watch a bunch of healthy morons eating fast food and causing daytime drama. Actually the only show I watch is on the BBC called Top Gear..those English folk are so good for a laugh and that is honest to goodness happy juice.
    Take care coach..and thinking of you often.
