Saturday, October 31, 2009

big day today.......

Hit a major milestone today.

I drank an Ensure today. By mouth. The entire bottle.....and guess what flavor it was? Yup, you guessed it, vanilla. Lovely vanilla. I don't care, it was huge. You might not think its such a big deal, but its been well over a month since I could do that. Maybe longer. Not sure why, but it actually brought tears to my eyes and this time not related to pain.

Its not much....then again, yes it is. Huge. And its a start. But I still don't care much for vanilla.....except today.

God bless you.


  1. Right on Kev. You are the man. You kicked Cancer's Arse. Don't mess with a Kearns brother. We got your back.

  2. Perfect......... I think it is Guinness time!

  3. Great news Kevin!!!! I will definately make sure next time I see you I will not wear Bath and Body Vanilla spray!!!Hugs and Blessings

  4. Yeah, Yiphee, Yahoo, Oo-oo-oo, such happy news deserves a display of merriment! God is good! Keep healing, Lord and we'll keep praying! That deserves a Creamy Chocolate "celebatory" Ensure!!

  5. WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Day by day, sip by sip, yukie vanilla ensure by yukie vanilla ensure will all lead to that yummy Guinness. Oh and food, too.

    Kev, I am so proud of you for pushing this huge milestone. I am sure drinking it was not painless. But the reward of the accomplishment was well worth it...brought me to tears for sure! Swallowing, if you had asked me two weeks ago how long it would be before you swallowed again, I would have guessed about one month. YOU ARE AWESOME FOR PUSHING THE PROGRESS! WOO HOO.

  6. Praise the good LORD for allowing you to drink up. What a blessing for your strength and determination and endurance to let the healing proceed. C and I continue to pray for your 100% restoration. Can't wait to share some moist brisket and a Shiner Bock wit' ya' y'all.

  7. I think you have endured, God helped you endure for a reason...have you dicerned it yet? No need to share, just wondering.....

  8. Geez; the simple things in our lives that we take for granted. Swallowing. Do it a couple thousand times a day, probably. Something tells me you won't be taking it for granted, Kev, ever, really. This will be the difference you are making in others lives. I recall a back injury of mine that had me crawling to get to the bathroom. Boy, I was never going to take my back for granted again, ever. Wait a minute, I have to go lift my 80lb dog up onto my bed.....We all have had these infirmities we'vr sworn to be watchful for, only to forget in time. My Dad sneaking cigarettes after a triple bypass comes to mind. But something tells me this trial of yours has changed you in a fundamental way. Your words and your thoughts under the deep duress you have been in, your hope and optimism when many would just roll over and give in. Your appreciation of the blessings you find that just seem to put all of the misery and fear in a little corner to pout. No, you will never take swallowing for granted again. That first mouthful of Guiness will be savored and appreciated like none before. And five years from now when I'm down for a visit and we have a beer I know that you will still be thanking your blessings for the swallowing. If your blog touches just one of us enough to truly change our attitudes about the simple daily mundane blessings we all take for granted, you will know why God laid this burden on you. All my best to you, my friend.
