Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy, wonderful, awesome Thanksgiving.....

Got my results from the MRI test I had yesterday. Very positve, encouraging results. Of course the PET scan in January will be the definitive test, and the ongoing monthly monitoring tests will be important to ensure the course has not changed, but this MRI test is the first significant opportunity to see who was winning this battle...... and the smart money is on me!!

Cutting through all the medical-ese, the general assessment is that at this point there is no need for any further treatment, everything looks "good", and essentially seems the cancer has high-tailed out of here. Good thing too because I was about to open another can of...well, you know... :)

In all seriousness, thanks to all for the prayer and support throughout this ordeal. I really think the corner has been turned. I am getting stronger everyday and my appetite is certainly challenging my body to keep up. I am starting to taste a little more and there seems daily to be more and more I can try to eat. God truly is blessing my recovery and I am very confident now that we are on the right path, a healing path.

Have a wonderful, thankful Thanksgiving. No matter what challenges we find in our path, not only could it easily be so much worse, but we also have countless reasons to feel blessed and thankful for the hand we have been dealt. We really are so lucky. And those challenges....somehow, we will get through them all. May not be in the way we imagined, or preferred, and the outcome may look very different than we hoped or imagined......but in the end, it still always works out. This life is a blessing, but still only temporary. Nothing is too great to handle when we trust God has our back....and we count on our friends and family as well.

Thank you all from the bottom of my healthy heart.


  1. Nice post. The thing I am the most happy about is that you still cannot eat too much and I wont have to worry about you eating my share of the turkey tomorrow.

  2. I agree as I was kinda concerned that You were going to come back with vengence on this eating thing. I can't wait to see you tomorrow and congrats on the good outcome yesterday.

  3. Great news, my friend. Please keep up the inspirational postings. We all have much to be thankful for, even in trying times. On top of all the things I will be thankful for tomorrow sits my friend Kevin, winning a battle he never wanted to fight. Hope your tastebuds have a special resurgence tomorrow. Keep up the good fight, get strong, get well, get on with life. You remain prominent in my prayers.

  4. Hey bro,

    Glad to hear about the news. You are a strong
    mo-fo. Have a great Thanksgiving. See you for Christmas I hope. Love you bro.

  5. Kevin,

    That's wonderful news! Thank God for His graces and mercies upon you and we will continue to pray for your complete healing according to His will. We hope your Thanksgiving Day was blessed and peaceful.

    Sue and Dave

  6. PRAISE GOD!! WOOO HOOO! OK-everyone let's cover Kevin and that PET SCAN in Jan with prayer!!
    In His Peace-Debbie R.

  7. Thanks to God Bro Kevin that you are positively recovering and this monster is nowhere to be seen or felt. also thanks for you encouraging thought of hope to others who might be undergoing some hard moments.
    we will continue praying for you for a brighter future and good health.

  8. Soooooo glad to hear this great news Kevin !!! Life is good and all is well !

    David Darrough

  9. Kevin
    So happy to read your latest update. Thinking of you. Norrie
