Radiation..... 30 down, 4 more to go. Tuesday next week, the "don't let the door hit you on the backside on your way out and don't come back" love song I have waited so long to hear should be playing loud and clear. Still got to get the all clear from the docs, but I am expecting no less. And no other disk is in the jukebox, so no song substitutions.
Want to see a little more of my radiation world.....
Assuming the position.....
Ok, well hope that gives you a little glimpse into my recent world. I will save you from the more gory aspects like hacking blood, vomiting, and all the other lousy parts of these past almost 7 weeks. Rather, let's celebrate beating this thing....and know we did it together. Because we really did do it together. I couldn't have done it without the combined love and support of everyone. More on that later....better wait until I actually get the clean bill of health verdict...... but we are close, and I am not a patient man. More now than ever before though, so see...another fist for my list.
Have a great day all. Make someone smile.
I think chemo is afraid to show his face because you have your little (not so little) brother around.... But he will be leaving tonight so watch out.
ReplyDeleteWhat chemo doesn't know, if he choses to show his face after Pat leaves, is that His wife will show up tomorrow (She packs a greater wallup).
So Chemo...be afraid.... be very afraid!
Bullies do move on when they can't scare you anymore. I think you have shown so much bravery that chemo gave up. You are almost there and you look great. I'm so proud of your whole support team!!!
ReplyDeleteTo the Kearns Family, your brotherhood is commendable! Thumbs up. I enjoy reading your comments. Kev, you're blessed to have them.Smile.
ReplyDeleteMedications,treatment, prayers, patience, and LOTS OF LOVE from you guys are getting him through this and your family as well!
God Bless you all! Lets keep prayin, for Kev.
Kev, I'm glad Pat could be there for this round of chemo. Thanks for the updates. I will see you very soon. You look great. You are definitely the smallest bro in the family. Rats and Congrats.
ReplyDeleteGood job Champ
My $$$'s on you Kevin.. Hang in there!