Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Better second time around?

I remember when I turned 50 last year, I thought ok, now starts the second half of my life. Not sure why, but for many years I have just had a feeling that 100 was a birthday I would celebrate. Then, when I turned 51 this past July, it was very comfortable thinking that I had completed the first year of my second 50, and wondered how the two phases of my life might compare.

Not sure why, or even what significance this might have had at the time, but I recall thinking about all the "firsts" I experienced during "phase 1". First birthday, first shoes, first wagon, first day at kindergarten, first bicycle, first day at middle school, first "girlfriend", first day at high school, first day at college, first beer, first fight, first heartbreak, first job after college, first parent dying, first time on earth without parents, first charity, first mission trip.... actually, the list is amazingly long. And how couldn't it be. Exist long enough and everything tried is a first initially.

So, then I started thinking about what might possibly still be available to be a "first" during my second 50 years. That list was surprisingly short. First wedding, first child, first senior citizen discount... those were easy to tag. But what else? I can tell you the one thing that didn't cross my mind was first life threatening illness. Guess it kind of goes hand in hand with the whole live to 100 thing....one doesn't spend a lot of time thinking of something a bit in contrast with living.

As I thought more about this "gift" I discovered very early into the second year on my second 50, it actually presented me with more "first" opportunities than I ever would have imagined. Granted, there may be easier ways to achieve some of these. Then again, maybe not. I, for one, don't know if I would be able to count these on my second "first" list if not for my challenge. Things like really appreciating for the first time, saliva. Trust me, you do take it for granted until you don't have any. Appreciating for the first time, the ability to taste your favorite food, or any food. Savoring will take on an entirely new meaning, and importance, when I can again. Truly appreciating for the first time how special friendships and relationships can, and should be. Sure, I have always thought they were important, but I also always thought I didn't pay them as much attention as I should, and some day I really needed to get around to it. Some day, when I had more time........ For the first time, I now know nothing is more important. That and my faith, which also needed a kick in the arse to get back on track. But devoting time to personal relationships is so easily deferred, procrastinated to a time when I would surely get around to it....but never really did. And distance shouldn't be an obstacle, but more an enticing change of scenery to add to the joy of connecting with someone special. After all, when one really gets to the end of the race, its relationships, both human and spiritual, that are all we have. And how beautiful they are if we nurture them properly.

So, while my second set of firsts will look very different from the original recipe, I really am excited about experiencing them. And even more exciting......... they include you.

Have an awesome day. And think about your next set of firsts........


  1. Thanks Kev, for making this my first blog to read on a regular basis. Your views on life are impressive and you give us all food for thought. Hope your week is going ok.

  2. I hope to be the "First" to tell you how much we love and care about you; not because you were the "First" male born in the Thomas Kearns Clan, nor that you were the "First" to graduate college, or not even that you were the "First" in the family to be arrested (ok - made that one up), but you are always the "First" one to come to mind when we need advice.......

    We love you Kevin, I bet I am not the "First" nor the last to tell you.

  3. Thanks for your wisdom Kev. Can't wait to get down there this weekend to just hang out.

  4. One of the things that I find amazing about your journey is that while you are fighting this serious illness and devoting your energies to healing yourself, you are continuing to help others in the process.

    Just this morning, while feeling sorry for myself, I came and got a dose of Kevin and you reminded me of perspective, and faith, and that relationships ARE the whole point.

    Thanks for the reminder; needed it today.


  5. I still commend, and admire your strentgh!

    Rather than religious quotes, I bring you one of my favorites;

    Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.

    Henry David Thoreau

  6. Once again you amaze me on how freely you are able to tell your story and make the Reader feel like they are "right there with you." You truely are a great writer Kev and a total Inspiration to not only me but many others (as you can see by their comments)and I feel very blessed to share some of the same Genes with you! The only "Genes" that we would be able to share by the way since you could probably "Fit" into (1) of my Pant Legs, i.e. "I'M FAT!"
    Keep up the great work Bro, I love you!


  7. Kevin, you are right when you say that one of the most precious things in life are our families and our friends. Every night I find quiet time to sit and read your blog, because I feel that not only are we right beside you through this, but you are teaching us a thing or two. Kind of funny how that works, huh? That is human nature at its finest, as well as Our Father...

    luv ya,
