Friday, September 4, 2009

It could be worse...... thankfully

Last night didn't go so well. Got a little sideways..... but I think it might have had more to do with not eating as much as I thought I had (what, lettuce isn't the end all be all food source??) and a little dehydration combined with a nauseous stomach snuck up like a mugger and gave me an unexpected hello. Will avoid that street going forward.

I have often thought about the world Hollywood celebs live in, and how their view of "life" is just so unlike the real people of the world. Their fame, and more importantly, their fortune, simply doesn't present the same desperate challenges ordinary folks face every day. Certainly not even in the same stratosphere as their bizarre world, I am very aware of how much easier I have this than so many others. I actually have the luxury of being able to focus practically all of my attention and energy to getting through this and pursue the golden ring of remission. How many others challenged by a similar foe aren't lucky enough to have good insurance to rely on? Have an employer that not only will tolerate an extended absence, but rallies around to support me through the journey? And will be there when I am ready to return? Can afford to be out of work and know that this month's bills will be paid? Have a comfortable home to wage the battle in? And how many find their only companion is loneliness........

Considering my life a series of blessings has never been a foreign concept to me. In fact, for years I have wondered why God has chosen to bless me in the specific ways He has. This new chapter in my life is no different. We all have our unique challenges. I have yet to encounter a situation, that with little imagination, couldn't be envisioned so much worse. Its never as bad as it could be. Someone, somewhere, always has a harder time or a more challenging obstacle.

Granted, realizing this doesn't eliminate all pain and discomfort, but somehow it does make me a stronger competitor. And thankful. And blessed. And so lucky.

Enjoy the long weekend. Be kind to someone. No matter what happens, it could always be worse.


  1. Wow, Kev ... you should be a writer ... wait, I guess you are with this blog and all the others you have written on our journeys for foreign lands :) Sorry you had a tough night ... hopefully, this weekend will be a good one. See you in about an hour. Bros, Tim

  2. Jake, Sabrina and John are thinking and praying for you ... And reminding you our hands are always near !

    An Irish Friendship Wish
    By Unknown

    May there always be work for your hands to do;
    May your purse always hold a coin or two;
    May the sun always shine on your window pane;
    May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
    May the hand of a friend always be near you;
    May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

  3. Thank you for your words my brother. They are an inspiration and an encouragement. Wait... isn't it supposed to be the other way around. Aren't we supposed to be encouraging you?? Guess God had something else in mind. Just read brother Shave's comment from a couple of days ago. I'm diggin' in the closet pulling out the Hawaiian rally shirt for you. Keep fighting and praying and I will too.

  4. Wow Kev, you are a poet and I bet you didn't even know it.. Actually I'm sure you did.
    I admire your bravery through this. I definitely realize God has his hand in this. You are touching so many through this journey. I know this is making us all rethink the way we approach every day. How many of us tend to take things for granted. Yes, most of us smile at others, treat them respectfully, but do we really take time to appreciate one another. I'm not sure we do.
    Stay strong little bro. Yes, you may be the oldest, but you're dominating us on the scale.
    Seriously, Kevin thanks for being you. You're awesome.


  5. Two weeks down and counting!

    We are praying and I know Mom, Dad, and your older sister Cathy whom all are in heaven, are at God's side as your intercessor.....We call them the "A" team.

    Dont forget, we the "B" team think you are very special as well, and are at the core of our thoughts and prayers.....

  6. Your writing is so beautiful, when all is said and done I really hope you consider publishing some of your writing. As I read your blog each day there is so much gratitude expressed thru your words. It is truly inspiring for anyone to read, you have definately chosen the grateful route verses the poor me. You are truly an inspiration to us! Im looking forward to being able to help you get around next week.

  7. I agree with the above post..... could you possibly visit with my brother who is currently receiving treatment for the same condition...

  8. Hi Kevin,

    I hope that you had a better day my son Aaron's baseball coach would say, "When the other team throws you a curve ball, you rally around your team and go out and try it again!". A good motto for all of us to follow because we have all been thrown curve balls in our lives. We are all in this as a team and rallying around you...because you are our SUPER STAR!!! :)
    Luv ya,

  9. You are phenomenal, my old friend. Not only are your words of wisdom compelling and inspirational to the rest of us, but your punctuation and syntax are spot on! I doubt most of us could string more than two sentences together that made sense under similar circumstances. And I know you are doing it without a teleprompter. Hope you find some moments of peace and comfort this weekend. I know how deeply you will appreciate them. Thanks for sharing with us all. Your thoughtfulness reminds me to count my blessings every day, and to count the blessing of your friendship three or four times each day. You da man!

  10. Tremendous words and spirit, my friend. Though I would expect nothing less from you. My thoughts a prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.

  11. Hey Kev, Lance has nothing on you. You are my true hero. I'm so proud of your attitude and exceptional writing skills. terry

  12. It was a men’s bible study back in 1996. That’s when I first had the pleasure or shall I say “challenge” of meeting you. Your insights to our group were simple but yet profound. You talked about taking God’s Word at face value. Nothing fancy. No big elaborate interpretations. You would remind us of the basics. God is good. God is in charge. God has a plan. If we knew what was good for us, we would get on board with what God is doing in our life. Your words came from the heart. They carry sincerity and weight. People can easily give advice. More importantly, I have found, it is the motive of the source that allows the words of instruction to hit pay-dirt. You my brother, have helped me navigate some choppy seas and have done it out of compassion in wanting the best for my life. I can count on you. You remind me that God is good, God is in charge, God has a plan and that if I knew what was good for me, I would get on board with what God is doing in my life. Yep, same things you said over 10 years ago. Yah, some things never change and I’m dam well grateful for it.
    Your bro Shave
