Thursday, September 10, 2009

Goodness is basic...thank goodness

I believe in the basic goodness of people. The innate desire to be helpful, to do good, .... to actually feel like some one's life was bettered because of something you did...... I think almost everyone possesses this desire in varying amounts.

All too often its more a case of not knowing what to do or how to help than it is in having the desire to do so. Make it easy for someone to help, they usually will. Many times it benefits the giver as much as the recipient. Having been on a few international volunteer/mission trips, I can tell first hand that I always got more from the experience than I gave.

Often recently, I have been reminded by friends of ways I might have helped them in the past. Truthfully, I never thought about it that way. They needed help, I could help, so just help. Not really much to think about, and it just seemed like the right thing to do. I have witnessed countless times during this current ordeal, the basic desire of others to help me. The biggest challenge is finding ways to channel this desire, but there is simply no shortage of willingness to help. More than willingness, an actual desire to do so. I have felt uncomfortable at appointment was running longer than it should and how this must be adding to the burden of my "driver".... but I have come to realize that they are not thinking this way at all. They are just happy to be helping.

I am very lucky to have such a great support system. And as special as my friends and family are, I really think this is human nature. Sometimes we think we don't have the capacity or talent to help, or that our effort is too minimal to have a positive impact, or our donation too small, or our time too short..... but that is rarely the case. Just do it. And maybe next time do a little more. But recognize, the want to help is in our DNA..... tap into it, it feels good. And those on the receiving end, like I am so often these days, will be better for it too.

One more day this week, then the weekend break. A little bittersweet as it also means closer to Tuesday, Chemo #2. Ugh. Ugghhhhh. A better way to look at it is just that much closer to getting this all behind me. Ok, that's the mindset I will take....for now..... still hate the thought of the days immediately after chemo. They don't last forever though.

Have a great week everyone. Treat yourself, go help someone.


  1. Kevin, your courage stuns me, even though I know you had it in you. I think how we all face problems of varying magnitude throughout our lives, and yours is one of the bigger kind. But you are showing me that fear does not hide us from the problems we are facing. All we can do is summon our courage, gather our strength, lean on the shoulders that are offered us to share the burden, and continue to move forward with determination. Keep on fighting the good fight. You will prevail. All of us watching have a dog in this fight, our money's on you. (Apologies to those sensitive about the Michael Vick issue. It's just metaphor.) We value your friendship, we value you. Keep the faith, and, please, keep on sharing your wisdom. I like the way you keep surprising me.

  2. Kevin - I know that you already know this, but it is apparent that God is working through and in you right at this very moment..... The holy spirit dwells in you and I can see it's connection. I can clearly see that god's will is being done!

    We love you and look forward to seeing you in a few days.

  3. Kev, try to enjoy your weekend and take the breaks when you can get them however short they may be. We all love you and are praying for a quick recovery for you. Terry

  4. The grace of altruism - where would our species be without it (well, we probably wouldn't "be", huh?)
    But, fortunately, it is human nature, and it is one of those forces that gets stronger the more it is used.
    After all these years of being on the giving end, thanks for being open to receiving for a change.
    Have a good day, Kevin.

  5. Kevin you are a strong person. In times of trouble like this remember God doesn't give us more than we can bear. Your brothers are praying for you and one small family in Arkansas. Stay stong Kevin.
    Prayers be with you.

    Paul Smith and Family

  6. Wow! Thats all just Wow! Giving is soooo much better than receiving.

  7. Thank you for the strength and encouragement you are providing to all of us ... Hope we are doing the same for you. Jake, Sabrina and I are looking forward to being called into action !!! Have a great weekend ! And keep on, keeping on :)
