Monday, September 21, 2009

Tic Toc

The fog was supposed to be lifting by now....

The dust was supposed to be settling.....

I know it could be much worse.

I know it could be much worse.

I know it could be much worse.

Still sucks.


  1. Keep hanging in there, Kev! You can beat this thing!! You have many, many people praying for you.

    Thanks for posting...Mama Lizzy K was getting extra worried.

    We love you!

  2. You are in thoughts, our minds, and in our prayers......

  3. Been looking for your Blog! Keep writing bro, and we love you!!


  4. There will be a new dawn Kevin. I can't take away your pain, but I can offer up a spiritual bouquet of strength for you in my prayers.

  5. Hey big man,you're in our thoughts and prayers over here and everyone knows that the Irish are very close to the even bigger Man upstairs!
    Hurry up and get your ass over here,there's a glass of Guinness with a "dash of black" sitting on the bar for you!(When you grow up I'll buy you a pint).

  6. Hey Kevin - you can do it. Stiff upper lip I say! Beat the bastard. Mentioned in dispatches in Luxembourg today - we are all praying for you Jacquie

  7. Kevin, I hope you are getting some sort of break from the suffering. I'm pulling for you every minute of every day. Terry

  8. Hey bro,

    Hang in there. I think about you several times a day. What courage. You are strong in so many ways. Probably not strong enough to lift me, but you could never lift my fat a-- anyway.
    I'll see you soon.

